Our story starts in the modern age, exactly six month after the conquest of Granada, in July of 1492.
In those days, Granada was the home of Jorge Luis II, a nobleman of prestige, that had a lot of cities under his power, and his sister Maria Catalina. The noble had a son, called Gaspàr; also the noble had a wife that had died during 1490, the plagne killed her.
An Arabic doctor with so much prestige, Saladino Korrauch, was taking on by the noble two years ago; to help his wife that had the plagne a change to live in Granada. On the other hand, on the fields in the outskirts of Granada, a modest farmer was working on, very miserably. Pablo was worried because the Feudal lord asked for his tax, also that Feudal Lord was praying for Jorge Luis note ask him for more taxes. Also there was a witch, the witch of the city that was closed in the dungeons and was preparing one of her potions for escape.
The plot of all the events is divided in two gangs. On one hand there were: the witch, the Feudal Lord, the nobleman’s son, the farmer and the bandit. And on the other hand we had: Jorge Luis II, Maria Catalina, the bishop Alfons IV, who comes from Mallorca, and the Arabic doctor of great prestige.
The objective of the two gangs no was more that finish with the life of the other people in the other gang.
The indignation of the gang, if we can say it, with less prestige, was due to the difference of quality of life of each other, because while ones were resting on cushions the other rested on chickens, except one character; Gaspàr.
Gaspar, one day, was walking in the morning, inside the forest, when suddenly bandits get out of a bush. He was frightened; he didn’t know what to do. But the bandit with good faith heard about his indignation and she thought that it was a reason of fight. Determinate, she joined his gang and she give to Gàspar a potion made by a witch, in exchange for four silver coins, and suddenly, she didn’t say anything more and disappeared between the bushes.
The potion was poisonous and he wanted to give that to his father, because if he died, he could inherit the position. The next day, Jorge Luis had to go to Rome, because Inocencio VIII had died, the Pape of the Catholic Church. Gaspàr wanted to reveal of a different way, and when his father left, he started a fight against the doctor, the bishop and the nobleman’s wife, Maria Catalina.
The fight went on for two days, Gàspar needed help and asked the farmer and the Feudal Lord to beat the other gang.
Finally only died the doctor, the person that was needed the most in this society.
When Jorge Luis arrived and saw all the scandal that his son had caused, he didn’t have more election than to lift the workload, before the leap of Castilla Kings heard about it.
But Gaspar didn’t inherit the throne, but he had to change the qualities of life of some people, and above everything, he learned the life of a non-privilegia, in this age.